Key & Peele

The goal of this project was to

  • Move the site from a generic show template to a go to destination for all things Key & Peele
  • Create an experience that would truly immerse users through a strategic content experience
  • Develop a site capable of capitalizing on traffic created by a dual EMMY winning and 18 time nominated series


  • Create a flexible grid that the producers could use to create collections that contain several different content types
  • Allow users to watch videos inline instead of being redirected to a video page
  • Increase sharing of content types to drive traffic back to the site


Collaborated with producers & product managers to define the objectives of the experience.  With those defined we turned our attention to content. With a vast array of new content types available we applied diligence to the content discovery process. Once the content types were finalized we began sketching out potential layouts that worked well with each. The standout ideas were then wireframed and prototypes were created for usability testing. 


Created an immersive site that looks great across all devices and solved the needs of the business. The template had been so successful that it is now being rolled out to MTVU.

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